Chattt !

Monday, April 12, 2010


Hey! Rebecccaaa here yeahh :DDD
haaas! So I updated th Blog yeahh.
and Put in 1N2 Link.
Put Cher Foto :D
haaaas! LOL. okok.
so i think todae was random :DDD
D&T we drew some figures :D
I think HE funn nehh :D
haaas! Recess Was normal. :D
dhen errr, th period onwards th teacher all nehver come :DDDD
LOL! Fun. And I was th Guai kia okok!
haaas! LAst period Mr vernon came in.
I think most of you guys was shock ryt ?
haaas! Okok.! Nothing much! BuhhBuhh.!

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