Chattt !

Thursday, February 18, 2010

1e2!! b hard working revise for ur common test! for those who forgot their home work >>> : english comprehension passage B
chinese 'xi zi'chapter 3! ( only for those who take chinese)
Jing Hui :) : Taqqie
Thx anw! :)

Jingyi: Hahaha. Hi 1e2s' Tag uhhs
thx! :)

bloggerAlert: bloggerAlert!! dead blogs would be deleted in 2 months(: revive it!
Who u are??? show ur name thx! :)

Ty! :)

katez: hi ya i am from 1n1 hahas nice blog ur have here (:
welcome to 1e2! tyvm! ur also hab a nice blog!

JEN: taggies...
tyty! :)

Tags end here!
By: huishan

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