Chattt !

Sunday, January 31, 2010

post post post people!(:


Friday, January 29, 2010

just post(denise)

Friendship Quotes
did some amends,peiyun
hope you dun min><"
nice blog btw..(:
i changed the 'achieve tick parts
and the links part.
peiyun,pls add your pic on in front of mine,
if possible,we can have all 1e2 profiles
follow by register no.
-sign off,D.E.N.I.S.E,/

Thursday, January 28, 2010



Lixin: Tagzxczxc my class blogzxczxc
Thanks. mind adding me is msn?

Lixin>camy.: Lol. Hello!!!

peiyun<3: credit of blog goes to Rebecca! <3
nope. to the computer! LMAO!

IAMJINGYI:D: Hellos! Tags 1e2 ;D Rebbbbbeeeecaaaaaaaaaaaa! Updatee huh!!!
Hellos! Thanks~ sry uhh. my bro loc the com so seldom use blog. paiseh uhh;D

JingHui :): Yo! Nice bloq! ^^
Yo, Thanks. the com!^^

Camy: hello my 1e2-ians

Lixin: Bo people de. Monday write on the white board la. And its mrs lim. What miss lim.
whr got bo ppl? wrote on white board ler~ and LOL!


yeah. i change the blog skin aye?
any prob?


Yo. me rebecca aka. YUKIKO. tats my nickname in case some of u duntnoe.__.
hahas. todae alot of homework k!
dun forgeet got chinese! ( ooops! i din do it-.-)
and maths! pass it to nicolus!
nothing more bah!. Tag more can! and dunt thank me.. thank the com+.+
and imma rink in the smell of that stupid smell. ltr ppl tot i did it sia-,-
but not ok! its my fren.^^ANd mmee not gonna post often coz my brothe lock the stupid com and i post very seldom! so pls peiyun and the others who noes the password. update more often!


Hey all don forget to do your maths hw that needs to be pass up by tmr. {addition& subtractions of integers}

loves peiyun<3

Friday, January 15, 2010

ok.. ermm. HEYA!
haix, so long nvr post. cos my com cannot go into blog sia.
sianz. zzz...
ok. so im gonna post abit onli.
(im dman tired) LOLS.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

YO manz!

ohh ermm. HWELLO agn. all babes/hunkiess! +.+
ok. so tmr is the camp. so pack ur bag alr?
(i havent pack yet)
ok. so i post the list incase u all forgotten it

1.Pe shirt-2
2.PE shorts-2
7.Long pants-1(optional)
8.Track shoes-1 Pair
9.Slipper-1 pair
11.Socks-2 pair
12.Soap, Shampoo
13.Talcum powder
14.toothpaste, toothbrush
15.Insect repellent
17.Sleeping Bag
18.DUN brig too much cashh$$

thats all. PLS remember to pack ur bag properly, tmr CANNOT go home after school.
NOT ALLOW TO GO HOME AFTER SCHOOL. plese remind your classmate if u see them around u neighbourhood. THANKS. ^^
and todae english lesson. me , huishan, jenny, jolyn horh, we all like wanna sleep liddat alr. really tok tok tok. until i wan to sleep.
and afiq slept in the class! OMGHS!
really.... ok.. so nothing much interesting.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


hello, rebecca here agn..
woots.. i overslept todae. bt nvr late.
why? coz i chiong to school mah! ^^
ok.. so eng. todae is compo. sian horh~.
i wrote like 413 words pls!
my hand broken alr.
and eng msut brin wad huh?
ohh yeah, 2 single-line exercise book (oral, journal) Pls wrap them up pls and submitt next week
and so nothing alr.
ohh yeah. after school we stay back and have some gamesss.. LOLs
and i HATE u cheelam. go pull myearring out !! ( tis is just playing.
so dun scold cheelam or wadeva, we were playing, and i still hate him)
hahas^^ winks!
ok. so mrs lim or jenny will update soon yeaP,

Monday, January 4, 2010


spammers WILL NOT be entertain unless need me to scold the spammers^^


just created tis blog,
so busy hor,
ohh andda i just wake up
and din go to school coz i have fever. 38 degree( lastNite)
dun blive wan can go ask melissa from NA stream and sec2, roanne
and dominc from mount vista
ok.. ermm. whoever wan to post something pls tell me
thru, msn; href="">
thru calling and texting 91636331
okies. erm. so those tat wanna be listed( everyone MUST be listed) and link pls leave a tag
or msn;tell me
calling and texting
im still down with
running nose
sore throat
and a fever of 37.9
Ahh ChoOooooOoooooo
okies.. so i can still use the com coz my mother allow
din go to the doctor coz<
can save $$.
$$ precious to me, can buy alot of stuff de xD
those tat dun wan their $$ cn tell me, i wan it xD
so, ermm.i dun have a MC, so my father write letter yeap:D
okies, so PaiPai
IloveDieAllMyGans Especially my Steady and HoneyLaoGong! Muackz!